How to buy a better camera
Digital cameras have entered the field of mass consumption,and many friends would like to have a digital camera dell latitude d410バッテリー.But could not know how to choose.As a highly integrated digital technology products,in the purchase process,there will be a problem of how to choose a better one.Now when we are buying a digital camera,we focusing on the number of pixels on the CCD.In fact,digital cameras' other consumer performance more worthy of attention
Pixel and the pixel resolution is the basic unit of digital images,each pixel is a small point.And different colored dots (pixels) come together to become a stunning photographs.Pixel digital camera dell xps m1530バッテリー often the basis for classification.But many people think that the number of pixels are the number of sensitive points on the CCD photosensitive unit.In fact,this statement is not entirely correct.
Now,many manufacturers have the same sensitive point in the CCD photosensitive cells generated under the higher-resolution digital dell vostro 1510バッテリー photos by special technology.For example:Fuji SuperCCD,and Epson HyPic technology.What's the relationship between pixels and the resolution?And how to interpret these two figures when you purchase?
The higher the image resolution,more pixels needed.For example:the picture resolution of 640 × 480 takes about 31 million pixels,2084 × 1536 image,you need up to 3.14 million pixels.Resolution can have multiple values,the camera toshiba pa3450u 1brs offers more resolution,the flexibility of shooting and save the image are higher.
Image resolution is related to the output size and magnification imaging.The higher the resolution,the image sizes are larger,and the magnification is higher.The total number of pixels is the total number of pixels with CCD.However,due to CCD edge of the exposure to light,lenovo 3000 n100 バッテリー is part of the shooting do not have access.From the total number of pixels subtracted this part of the pixels is the effective number of pixels.So read the manual,remember to pay attention to the actual shooting for the effective number of pixels,rather than the total number of pixels.
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