Knowledge of Dell Streak
Dell Streak ThinkPad x41 バッテリー 5-inch screen is particularly eye-catching,but in terms of screen resolution and not a more high-end specifications.But the selection of the current mainstream high-end mobile phone universal 480 × 800 resolution,screen size and resolution in accordance with the proportion of This parameter will cause people to question the effectiveness of the aircraft shows.After all,480 × 800 pixels,4 inches of the screen will achieve the best results.
After the actual test found in the Streak ThinkPad X60 バッテリー,480 × 800 pixel display resolution and did not cause the phenomenon of the rough,overall image quality is satisfactory,while the 5-inch screen can give people an excellent visual impact,so Streak's screen parameters is still kind,at least very good to complete the picture shows,video playback and other functions.
Dell Streak 40y7001 equipped with a produced SnapDragon QSD8250 Qualcomm processor,clocked at up to 1024MHz,which is most we can say that the 1GHz processor.HSPA downlink speed of the processor supports 7.2Mbps,uplink 5.76Mbps;support HD (720p) video decoding and 3D graphics to provide capacity(22 million per second draw triangles),XGA display support,and GPS,(MediaFLO,DVB- H and ISDB-T)/Wi-Fi and Bluetooth support and more.
At the same time,Dell Streak HP pavilion dv6 バッテリー with strong energy saving features.In terms of memory,mobile phones not only provide 1.5GB of body content,while support for microSD memory card expansion,the maximum to 32GB,RAM to run it reached 405MB,the phone offers plenty of run support.
Because the characteristics of SnapDragon processor,Dell Streak A1175 バッテリー has superior performance for multimedia entertainment,the first in the camera,the 500 million pixel digital camera and Android2.2 rich camera system,so that the aircraft slightly better camera,in the light grasp aspects,Streak has a clear advantage,not difficult to find on the proofs from the camera,color reproduction is excellent.
Dell named Lightning Streak meaning,not just cool enough in shape,the hardware configuration is also brought to the system running smooth speed,so the name is true lightning.The biggest bright spot in its mobile phone 5-inch touch screen camera dell latitude d620バッテリー so you experience the feeling it had a different sense of the big screen and Dell Streak5 let the phone in a variety of high-performance operating environment can cope.
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