New i7 Great Wall T46 notebook
Great Wall T46 notebook is a business office laptopdell latitude d620バッテリー,but also a video game notebooks.It looks mainly black color,in order to calm the atmosphere to the user's visual experience.It's A-side with a combination of drawing techniques and high-gloss design,two different visual styles perfect combination of smooth and rich texture.In addition to LOGO,the A-side of Great Wall T46 notebook without any extra modification,elegant fashion of the gas.
The Great Wall T46 notebook's corners are designed with a smooth transition.The whole line is smooth,the interface layout is reasonable,clever visual sense even demonstrated a new concept of mobile notebook dell studio xps 13バッテリーstyle,the whole rock-black same applies exudes timeless charm.In configuration,the Great Wall T46 laptop with 14-inch display,and with a resolution of 1366 * 768.Its the CPU using the latest Intel Core i7-2630QM.
Great Wall T46 notebook's dell xps m1210バッテリーquad-core CPU is eight threads,frequency 2.0GHz,Core frequency up to speed after the frequency 3.0GHz.It also comes standard with 2GB memory,320GB hard drive.About graphics,it uses NVIDIA GeForce GT520M graphics card,which memory is 1GB.Which graphics card compared to the mainstream GT540M,performance is decreased,but both the entertainment business as a product to use this card after all,a reasonable match.
Great Wall T46 notebook dell latitude e5510バッテリーwith a black color,looks calm restrained,low-key atmosphere.A surface shell with high light material,black piano paint looks fine,elegant.Strip in the black panel in the looming appearance of fine lines,enhance the grade more sense.It also uses 14-inch 16:9 LED screen,sunken screen hinge design makes the Great Wall T46 notebook's body looks short a lot.All black color,has business atmosphere.
It's chocolate keyboard key area is greater,and input feel better.One piece touchpad design,decorated with silver-plated trim,more ornamental sense.Great Wall T46 notebook dell latitude d630バッテリーof the bottom shell part is a black plastic material,the outlet design on the left,the battery in the fuselage rear,designed to separate cover,cooling fan can win the cover of dust and memory upgrades,hard drive,let it more convenient.
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