Panasonic colorful camera
Panasonic camera XPS M1330 バッテリー with dazzling and colorful,has attracted the attention of young people.Panasonic recently launched a new family with the machine - Matsushita FP1 (data offer pictures Forum).Thin and stylish form factor,super cheap prices and good shooting performance to Matsushita FP1 are affirmed by the user.
At the same time,Matsushita FP1 VGP-BPL2C also an imaging capability with 12.1 million pixels,with 4x optical zoom image stabilization lens,support 720P HD video recording,support PAL / NTSC video output,the camera uses a metal body design.But also makes the appearance of the slide the camera more stylish,simple atmosphere.
Matsushita FP1 IBM thinkpad z60mバッテリー used 1/2.33 inch CCD as a sensor,12.1 million effective pixels.Lens,the wide-angle before this model in addition to the cancellation,reduction in maximum aperture value,the optical zoom is also the predecessor of the 4.6 optical zoom,4x optical zoom into the present, the equivalent focal length of 35 - 140mm.Although the zoom has decreased,but with a 4 times optical zoom lens that is more mature technology, coupled with the phone also supports optical image stabilization,provides a good optical performance.
Matsushita FP1 AF also uses a new high-speed AF system,and ThinkPad x40 バッテリー focus was 0.25 seconds on average,high sensitivity mode,up to ISO6400.In addition,the products also continue to adopt a 1280x720 pixels 30fps HD video recording capabilities.Start the fastest requires only 0.97 seconds, shutter lag of 0.007 seconds.Supports SD / SDHC card,using a dedicated lithium battery-powered,full of power can take 380 pictures once.
Matsushita FP1 body measurements for size 98.6 × 58.9 × 18.6mm,is worthy of ultra-thin DC,is currently the Lumix series,the most frivolous a model.Continuation of the screen is still before the 2.7-inch,230,000 pixel mainstream configurations.Matsushita FP1 Toshiba pa3421u 1brs fashion exquisite workmanship,ultra-thin portable.It features easy to use,support 720P HD capture,and powerful optical image stabilization feature,configure the camera in the home more mainstream,but also with ultra-fast startup and a range of other advantages.
The article via Battery Daily